04 January 2017

Welcome Year 2017!!!

Another year has passed :) Finally had time to write on this blog.. lol xD It has been 3 years since my last entry.. whew~ how time flies! :D

Anyway, to recap on what happened in my life...

√ Still working for Guitar Control and things are looking better for the company
√ My daughter is now 7 years of age :)
√ Finally married after what? 10 years xD
√ About to give birth to my 2nd child this January (it's a boy!)
√ Still looking gorgeous hahah :D
√ Super blessed with friends and family
√ and most importantly, building relationship with God more each day :)

Really looking forward to what the future awaits... hopefully I can have more time to write just about anything and not be hesitant or overthink what I'll post.

As they say, anything goes xD

Here's a picture of our little family this New Year :)

Till my next entry!
~vherhonne ♥

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